你对如何成为一名记者感到好奇吗? 澳门新濠娱乐开户’s 数字新闻(BS) degree will teach you how to find and gather information from primary sources and then communicate your research to a specific audience through multi-media storytelling. Students also learn how to be a watchdog for the public as a part of the democratic process. 即使你选择不在新闻行业工作, the study of journalism teaches critical thinking skills that are valuable in any job setting.
App State的数字新闻项目位于 传播系,强调实践经验. 例如, in introductory reporting classes students attend and report on local events, 采访政府官员,报道突发新闻. 在高级课程中, students fine tune their skills in 复制编辑 and learning industry-standard computer software. All types of writing are taught: news, features, editorials, photo essays and video. 学生们被鼓励去实习, 参加由校友和其他人员组织的全系演讲活动, 为校报工作.
就业: Students who graduate this degree are job ready by the industry’s standards. Employers often look for experience over graduate education when students are first starting their careers. 雇主包括:
- 全国公共广播电台
- 美国有线电视新闻网
- 道琼斯实习
- 福克斯8
- Sky High News
- 建筑资料公司
- 国际贸易管理局
- High Country 首页杂志
- 撒马利亚人的钱包
- 坦帕湾时报
- 每天的进步
研究生院: Students who choose to pursue a graduate education have attended Syracuse University, 印第安纳大学和北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校.
必修辅修课程. 建议学生通过以下两种方式选择辅修课程:
- Students who are interested in preparing to report on or broaden their education with an area of expertise often choose a minor accordingly. 例如, 想要做音乐报告的学生可以选择辅修音乐, while a student who wants to cover business may choose to minor in business.
- Students who are not interested in pursuing an expertise are advised to pick a minor that will further develop a skill set such as writing or multi-media storytelling. 学生们通常辅修英语, 一门外语, 媒体研究, 沟通, 或图形艺术与成像技术.
- 专业新闻工作者协会 (Sigma Delta Chi) - Students involved in SPJ make valuable professional contacts and have access to several professional publications for journalists.
- 澳门新濠娱乐开户 -这是一份由学生为学生开办的大学报纸. 学生可以参加,体验写作, 复制编辑, 领导, 报纸的营销和商业方面.
- 《皮尔文学与艺术评论 - The student literature and arts review is released at the end of fall, while both an online and print edition are released at the end of spring semester.
- AppTV - The department’s cable television station gives students experience in television reporting and production.
Appalachian is committed to introducing students to different cultures and teaching them how to live and interact in a global society.
传播系有 出国留学机会 在波兰、伯利兹和亚美尼亚.
A累计2.0 GPA based on earned semester hours at App State is required prior to declaring the Digital Journalism major.
- 以适应不断变化的媒体世界, App State’s digital journalism students learn how to collect information and produce multi-media stories.
- Class guest speakers and department-wide speaking events by alumni and others enhance students’ professional knowledge and networking.
- This program gives students a multi-faceted skill set useful beyond journalism – they develop critical thinking skills, 学会查找信息并将其反馈给听众.
- 传播系有 an 实习 coordinator to help students find 实习 主持网站并获得他们的工作学分.
- 该部门有一个强大的 校友网络 这让校友、教师和在校生保持联系.
布恩和 胡桃木
- 锚
- 视听制作专家
- 作者
- 局记者
- 文字编辑
- 复制作家
- 社论作家
- 自由撰稿人
- 记者研究员
- 宣传经理
- 记者
- 段编辑器
- 技术作家
Dr. 斯科特·威尔士